The Ultimate Guide to Charging Batteries with Solar Power

The Ultimate Guide to Charging Batteries with Solar Power

Solar power is one of the most abundant and clean sources of energy on Earth. It can be used to power your home, your gadgets, and even your car. But how do you store the excess solar energy that you don't use during the day? That's where batteries come in handy.

Batteries are devices that store electrical energy in the form of chemical energy. They can be charged and discharged repeatedly, making them ideal for storing solar power. But not all batteries are the same. There are different types of batteries for solar panels, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.


What are the batteries for solar panels?

Batteries for solar panels are used to store the excess solar energy that is not consumed by the load or the grid. They can also provide backup power in case of a power outage or a grid failure. Batteries for solar panels can be classified into two main types: lead-acid and lithium-ion.


  1. Lead-acid batteries


Lead-acid batteries are the oldest and most common type of batteries for solar panels. They are made of lead plates immersed in a sulfuric acid solution. Lead-acid batteries have a low initial cost, a high tolerance to overcharging and deep discharging, and a long lifespan if maintained properly. However, they also have some disadvantages, such as:


  •  They are heavy and bulky, requiring a lot of space and support.
  •  They have a low energy density, meaning they store less energy per unit of weight or volume.
  •  They have a high self-discharge rate, meaning they lose some of their charge when not in use.
  •  They are prone to corrosion, sulfation, and water loss, which reduce their performance and efficiency.
  •  They are not environmentally friendly, as they contain toxic materials and emit harmful gases.


2.Lithium-ion batteries


Lithium-ion batteries are the newer and more advanced type of batteries for solar panels. They are made of lithium metal or lithium compounds that react with electrolytes to produce electricity. Lithium-ion batteries have a high initial cost, but they offer many advantages over lead-acid batteries, such as:


  •  They are light and compact, requiring less space and support.
  •  They have a high energy density, meaning they store more energy per unit of weight or volume.
  •  They have a low self-discharge rate, meaning they retain most of their charge when not in use.
  •  They have a high efficiency, meaning they lose less energy during charging and discharging.
  •  They are environmentally friendly, as they contain no toxic materials and emit no harmful gases.



What types of solar panels are there?


Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. They are composed of solar cells, which are the basic units of solar energy generation. Solar cells are made of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, that create an electric current when exposed to light. There are different types of solar panels, based on the type and arrangement of solar cells. The main types of solar panels are:


1.Monocrystalline solar panels

Monocrystalline solar panels are made of solar cells that are cut from a single crystal of silicon. They have a uniform and dark appearance, with rounded corners. Monocrystalline solar panels have a high efficiency, meaning they produce more electricity per unit of area. However, they also have a high cost, as they require a complex and wasteful manufacturing process.


2.Polycrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are made of solar cells that are cut from multiple crystals of silicon. They have a varied and blue appearance, with square corners. Polycrystalline solar panels have a lower efficiency, meaning they produce less electricity per unit of area. However, they also have a lower cost, as they require a simpler and less wasteful manufacturing process.


3.Thin-film solar panels

Thin-film solar panels are made of solar cells that are deposited as thin layers of semiconductor materials on a substrate, such as glass, metal, or plastic. They have a flexible and lightweight appearance, with various colors and shapes. Thin-film solar panels have the lowest efficiency, meaning they produce the least electricity per unit of area. However, they also have the lowest cost, as they require the least amount of materials and energy to produce.


What is the charge controller?


A charge controller is a device that regulates the flow of electricity between the solar panels, the batteries, and the load. It prevents the batteries from overcharging or undercharging, which can damage them or reduce their lifespan. It also protects the solar panels from reverse current, which can occur when the batteries are fully charged or when there is no sunlight. A charge controller can be classified into two main types: PWM and MPPT.


1.PWM charge controller

PWM stands for pulse width modulation, which is a technique that switches the current on and off at a high frequency to control the voltage and current. A PWM charge controller works by connecting the solar panels directly to the batteries, and adjusting the duty cycle of the switch to match the voltage of the batteries. A PWM charge controller has a low cost, a simple design, and a high reliability. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as:


  •  It wastes some of the solar power, as it does not convert the excess voltage into current.
  •  It reduces the efficiency of the solar system, as it operates at a fixed voltage, regardless of the optimal voltage of the solar panels. 
  •  It causes heat and noise, as it switches the current rapidly.


2.MPPT charge controller

MPPT stands for maximum power point tracking, which is a technique that tracks the optimal voltage and current of the solar panels to maximize the power output. An MPPT charge controller works by converting the voltage and current of the solar panels to match the voltage and current of the batteries, using a DC to DC converter. An MPPT charge controller has a high cost, a complex design, and a high maintenance. However, it also has some advantages, such as:


  •  It utilizes the full potential of the solar power, as it converts the excess voltage into current.
  •  It increases the efficiency of the solar system, as it operates at the optimal voltage of the solar panels, regardless of the voltage of the batteries.
  •  It reduces heat and noise, as it switches the current smoothly.

 solar generator with soalr panels

How to charge a battery from solar panels?


There are different methods to charge a battery from solar panels, depending on the type and size of the battery, the type and size of the solar panel, and the availability and quality of the sunlight. Here are two common methods to charge a battery from solar panels:


Method 1: DIY battery to charge from solar panel

This method is suitable for small and simple applications, such as charging a phone, a laptop, or a flashlight. It requires a few components, such as:


  •  A solar panel, preferably a 12V or 18V one, with a power rating that matches the battery capacity.
  •  A battery, preferably a 12V or 18V one, with a capacity that matches the power consumption of the load.
  •  A diode, preferably a Schottky diode, which allows the current to flow from the solar panel to the battery, but not the other way around.
  •  A load, such as a phone, a laptop, or a flashlight, which can be connected to the battery using a suitable connector or adapter.


The steps to charge a battery from a solar panel using this method are:


  •  Connect the positive terminal of the solar panel to the positive terminal of the diode, and the negative terminal of the solar panel to the negative terminal of the battery.
  •  Connect the positive terminal of the diode to the positive terminal of the battery, and the negative terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the load.
  •  Place the solar panel in a sunny location, facing the sun at an optimal angle, and adjust it throughout the day to follow the sun's movement.
  •  Monitor the battery voltage and current, and disconnect the solar panel when the battery is fully charged, or when there is no sunlight.


Method 2: Use the MPPT charge controller


This method is suitable for large and complex applications, such as powering a home, a RV, or a boat. It requires more components, such as:


  •  A solar panel array, preferably a 24V or 48V one, with a power rating that matches the battery bank capacity.
  •  A battery bank, preferably a 24V or 48V one, with a capacity that matches the power consumption of the load.
  •  An MPPT charge controller, preferably a 24V or 48V one, with a current rating that matches the solar panel array output.
  •  A load, such as a home, a RV, or a boat, which can be connected to the battery bank using an inverter or a converter.


The steps to charge a battery from a solar panel using this method are:


  •  Connect the positive terminal of the solar panel array to the positive terminal of the MPPT charge controller, and the negative terminal of the solar panel array to the negative terminal of the MPPT charge controller.
  •  Connect the positive terminal of the battery bank to the positive terminal of the MPPT charge controller, and the negative terminal of the battery bank to the negative terminal of the MPPT charge controller.
  •  Connect the positive terminal of the battery bank to the positive terminal of the load, and the negative terminal of the battery bank to the negative terminal of the load.
  •  Place the solar panel array in a sunny location, facing the sun at an optimal angle, and adjust it throughout the day to follow the sun's movement.
  •  Monitor the battery voltage and current, and let the MPPT charge controller regulate the charging and discharging of the battery bank, according to the solar panel array output and the load demand.


Portable Solar Panels NEPV-100W

[High Performance] With a 100W power input, this solar panel can provide your power station with a significant amount of energy with outstanding efficiency.

[Extremely Portable] The Niuess 100W Solar Panel is foldable and comes with an adjustable carry case. It can be easily packed up and carried with you, no matter where you go.

[Weather Proof] This 100W solar panel is built to withstand the elements. It comes with an IP67 Waterproof rating, meaning it is dust and water-tight. 

[Astonishing Efficiency] When paired with a Niuess power station, the 100W solar panel utilizes the MPPT algorithm to achieve optimal efficiency rain or shine. Where solar panels are concerned, its conversion rate of 23.4% is astonishing.

Solar panels 100W for camping


Final thoughts

Charging batteries with solar energy is a good way to utilize renewable and clean energy from solar energy, reducing reliance on the power grid and fossil fuels. However, this also requires some knowledge and planning, as there are different types of batteries, solar panels, and charging controllers, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Developing your own plan based on your own situation is the most important thing.